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still body of water surrounded by evergreens with a blue sky and clouds reflecting onto the water


Explore the wonders of Sweetgrass First Nation and its surrounding areas through 1491 Apparel. Dive into the serene waters of Manitou Lake, renowned for its healing properties, offering swimming, boating, fishing, and camping. Traverse the natural beauty of Battlefords Provincial Park with its trails, campgrounds, and birdwatching spots. Immerse yourself in Cree culture at Poundmaker Historical Centre, delving into their traditional way of life and spirituality. Step back in time at Fort Battleford National Historic Site, a former North-West Mounted Police hub turned museum. Ascend Blueberry Hill for panoramic prairie views and picnic delights. Experience the vibrant indigenous culture at Onion Lake Powwow with traditional dances, drumming, and mouthwatering cuisine, all awaiting exploration through 1491 Apparel.